May By The Numbers

Are you ready? Here’s a May “By The Numbers” Recap to get you extra hype as we head into a new month of healing.

[Pictured: New Trekkers in NE Maryland] 

616,358: The Number of women who have joined the movement since the last time we did the 30-Day Jumpstart Challenge. This is huge! If you are a new sister to the movement and this is your first time walking with us, welcome to GirlTrek! It started with two friends and now we are a million+ women strong and growing. If anyone asks you why we walk, just tell them “We walk to heal our bodies, inspire our daughters, and reclaim the streets of our neighborhoods!”

24: The number of hours until we kick-off the 30-Day Jumpstart Challenge! Have you invited your friends and family to join? We’re kicking off the challenge as a movement on June 1st but anyone you invite can start anytime they get the challenge. They have 30 days from their start date to complete the mission. Don’t leave any sisters behind. Activate your entire network and get them walking.

1,124: The number of women who reached out via ZenDesk with questions for the movement. All of which we catalog for you right here!

5: The number of Crew Leaders that Coach Arricka Griffin activated this month in Kansas. These five new Crew leaders are now leading regular Saturday morning walks in their neighborhoods. Can’t find a walk near you? Start one! That’s what this movement is all about. We need women like you to start walking in your neighborhoods and invite one or two women to walk with you. That’s what a Crew is! Everything you need to know about Crews and becoming a Crew Leader can be found here.

[Pictured: Coach Stacey with Trekkers in Brookville Park Queens, Coach Habibah with Trekkers from DC, Coach Shelly with Trekkers from Maryland]

228: The number of model walks led by GirlTrek Coaches this month. Each one, teach one! And with each walk, our Coaches are teaching women how to lead their own walks and start crews in their neighborhoods! 

It’s movement-building at its finest and we think Ella, Fannie, and Septima would be proud!

1973: The year that the life expectancy of Black Americans finally caught up with the retirement age of 65 established by the Social Security Act in 1935. And that’s a damn shame!

GirlTrek is on a mission to increase the life expectancy of Black women by 10 years in 10 years. In Atlanta, GirlTrek organizer, Cozette Pointer is helping lead the way with her Crew, the Retirementville Trekkers, who were recently honored by their local city Commissioner. These women are full of joy and life and are teaching by example what it looks like to live your healthiest, most fulfilled life at any age! 

[Pictured: Kimberly Brent from North Carolina]

185: The number of spots still open for #StressProtest. The early bird special for registration ends tomorrow! This is the trip of your dreams. Hundreds of Black girls in the mountains for a radical weekend of self-care.

6: Black girls are six times more likely to be suspended from before age 12 than white girls. That’s why we love to see babies like this in Jackson, Mississippi out representing the movement.

1: The number of women it takes to start a revolution. We’ll say it over and over again. Everything starts with you, Sis.

9:00AM (ET): The time we want you on the line for our First Saturday’s National Rally & Roll Call! Juicy topics, Trekker celebrations, live testimonials, special guests, and more! If you’re a fan of Black History Bootcamp, you’ll love this lively walk and talk led by GirlTrek Founders, Morgan and Vanessa.

See you on the pavement,

Vanessa (and Morgan)


Monday Motivation: Putting Parameters Around Your Pain


The Revolution Starts Tomorrow. Are you Ready?