The Revolution Starts Tomorrow. Are you Ready?

The revolution starts tomorrow. Are you ready?


You decide if you want radical wellness.


You decide if you gone talk about it or be about it.

Good vibes.

Good glow.

Strong heart.

Balanced body.

Healed. Healing. Healthy.

Are you gon’ talk about it or be about it?


You are now the face of #GirlTrek…

…and I can’t think of a more beautiful person…

Group of people…

…than each of you. Than us.

Set your alarm now.

What time will you walk tomorrow?


What day will you rest?

Will you walk on Saturday?

Plan this 30-Day Jumpstart…

Like your life depends on it.

Like a million women are watching.

Like it matters much more when no one is watching.

And, decide right now.

Who on THIS team you will root for, encourage, and see to the finish line. Secret texts. Slide into Slack. Call-outs on social. Sister support.

Decide now who your lifeline will be. Who do you trust? Who will you reach out to for help if you fall weary and need a Word?

Imagine it.

All of us with shiny golden shoelaces at the Stress Protest.

This is it.

A revolution starts tomorrow. your neighborhood, your home, your very body…

You must walk alone most days.

No guide. No podcast. No witty quips.

Just you and your playfulness. You and your purest childhood self. You and the steely DNA of every old Black woman in you, Together, we will our way beyond the unthinkable - to good Life, Light, Love.


May By The Numbers


June 1st! The Jumpstart is here!