Register TODAY for the Black Family 5k!

Dear Family, 

Here is the question. How will we celebrate the most impactful year of organizing in GirlTrek’s history?

First, we will gather over the Thanksgiving weekend for our favorite holiday tradition, the Black Family 5k. Registration is now open and all the info that you need – including how to get your Black Family 5k shirts - is here on the website!

Then, on Saturday, November 26th we invite you to join GirlTrek’s co-founders and our corps of organizers for The Victory Lap!

The Victory Lap! will be an awards celebration honoring the women who have worked this year to organize GirlTrek in 1,000 Black neighborhoods. Nominations are now open. You can nominate a woman who has inspired you or you can nominate yourself. Official invitation coming next week. In the meantime, let's get our families together for the Black Family 5k.

The Black Family 5k 2022!

This is the greatest story ever told. The story of the Black family. The story of blood ties, squad goals, and crews. It’s the story of tribes - the Dahomey and the Ashanti– and their descendants, Us. It’s the story of the middle passage and the great migration. It’s the story of what we’ve survived and what was passed down. It’s a story of our traditions - ancient, spiritual, and practical. The traditions that have sustained us and the new ones we create each day. 

It’s a story of legacy.  A story of the entanglements that run through our family tree. A story of unconditional love. Of men who stayed. Of teen moms who beat the odds. Of 80s babies who parented themselves through the crack epidemic. Of loved ones on lockdown. Of the elders. Of the ancestors who knew the end before they knew the beginning.  

It's the story of flipping the script by appropriating, rebranding, and turning a corporate holiday into a pre-Kwanza lovefest that centers on kinship, health, and fun. 

This is the story of the Black Family 5k. A tradition that, since 2016, has inspired thousands of Black families to host post-holiday walks together. 

Will you join us this year? The Black Family 5k is a powerful way for us to gather our loved ones, connect beyond our trauma, shake off that holiday ‘itis, and celebrate the goodness that surrounds us.

No family is too small, too big, or too dysfunctional to participate. You can walk virtually from your own little corners of the world, or you can make it a full-on extravaganza complete with official race t-shirts and bibs. The point is to get in the game and help us write a new chapter of this powerful story. 

Will you lead? “Yes! Count me and my family in.”

Can't wait to see you and your families out there! Share your family pics using #BlackFamily5k and #GirlTrek.

With anticipation,

Vanessa and Morgan 


1. HOW DOES THE BLACK FAMILY 5K WORK? It's simple! You and your family take a walk together during the Thanksgiving weekend. You can amp up your walk and make it hype by ordering the official race t-shirts and swag if you would like, but it's not required.

2. WHEN DOES THE BLACK FAMILY 5K HAPPEN? Thanksgiving weekend! Most people plan their walks directly after the meal on Thursday, some like to plan their walks for Friday, as an alternative to the Black Friday madness. All weekend long families will be using #GirlTrek and #BlackFamily5k to check in. 

3. WHERE DOES THE BLACK FAMILY 5K HAPPEN? Wherever you are! These are neighborhood walks. Some folks circle the block, some folks like to head to a local park. There is no central gathering place. These are family-organized and led walks.

4. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE IN THE BLACK FAMILY 5K? Anyone! This is a family affair and all of our families look different and live in different places. You can invite whoever you would like. You can organize virtually or in person. Family is what you make it! 

5. DOES IT COST? No. All you have to do is lace up, walk, and enjoy. You can buy official race shirts and gear but this is more about the spirit of the walk than it is about the swag. 

6. BUT I WANT GEAR! WHERE DO I GET IT? Once you have officially registered for the race, you will receive a confirmation email with a code that will allow you to order the shirts at Order by 11/18/2022 to receive by Thanksgiving.  

7. HOW DO I GET OTHERS INVOLVED? Tell everyone you know to host a Black Family 5k and use #GirlTrek and #BlackFamily5k to post on your social media and let folks know you're in. Forward this email and tell everyone you know to host their own. It's going to be an epic and historic event! 

8. WHERE CAN I GET ALL THIS INFO IN ONE PLACE? Head over to today! You can sign up, get your race kits, and more! 


A Season Opening Prayer


Black History Bootcamp. S6. Day 21.