A Season Opening Prayer

Throw your hands up in praise. The GirlTrek season is here.  

In the tradition of our grandmothers, and their mothers before them, who understood that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, we start this 2023 season with a prayer.

Spirit of the living God that resides inside each of us,  

God of our ancestors and foremothers,


Thank you for bringing all 1,218,313 of us together in sisterhood. Each of us come carrying different loads, but we walk light together. 

Thank you for showing us the way forward. 

We come to you today in a posture of thanksgiving 

Asking for traveling mercies for each woman who will set out on a journey with us this year. 

Guide us like you guided your daughter Harriet. 

Along the way, let us experience a joy that penetrates our heart. 

Let us us experience a healing that reaches back and calls forward. 

Let generations be healed. 

Let curses be broken. 

Let this sisterhood flow like a river through our communities. 

We will praise you with each step. 

 Victory is ours.  

Ase’ and Amen 

This Monday, February 13th we will officially kick-off the 2023 GirlTrek season with the biggest announcement in our movements history.

It’s what you asked for, what we prayed for, and what our national staff has spent months planning and preparing for.

It will be the manifestation of a dream set more than 10 years ago, a dream that will bring this community together in a history making, culture defining event.

To get there it will require an unshakeable faith, a commitment to release the traumas of the past, and a desire to experience freedom in our bodies and soul.

Each step of the journey, we will be there. Me and Morgan, Carla and Hailey, Chyna and Tyreen, Tanvi and Siobhan, Kenieka and Deondra, the 100 coaches who led our movement last year, and the rest of the national staff who work each day to make our community what it is.

Women whose names you may not know yet, will become your northstar, your support system, and your inspiration.

Together we will set out on a crusade for healing and blaze a path to liberation. It will culminate in an epic celebration of #BlackGirlHealing.

It will be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced, or anything that this country has ever seen.

If ever there were an event to not miss, it’s this.

But before we get there…

to the big announcement,

to the work,

We want to offer a prayer for the movement and the year ahead.

We start here because our grandmothers started here, and their mothers before them.

Women who understood that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.

For those women, and for the journey ahead. We pray.

Set your alarms for 12PM, ET Monday.

You won’t want to miss the announcement.

Grateful to be in a position to lead,

Vanessa (and Morgan)


You Are Invited!


Register TODAY for the Black Family 5k!