Your thank you note.

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The moment has arrived....

Every four years, it happens. Leap Day. Time itself breaks wide open. ...a sacred moment in time for us to do something special.

Today, we launch a covert collective action to thank Black women for holding up the world. What better day to start! A magical 29th day. ...nestled between a month of Blackness and the prequel to all things divinely feminine in March, Oh, the energy os right!


Quick, write a thank you note to at least one Black woman on social media! Don't think too hard. Please don't wait. Just open IG, Twitter of FB and trust your sincerity. Here's how:

  1. Find your favorite photo of her.

  2. Write a short and sweet thank you note.

  3. Use #thankblackwomen so that we make history together. tomorrow, March 1, 2020 — the official day that we've taken for ourselves - the world will be swirling with stories of Black girl glory. Together, we will create a groundswell of gratitude that inspires Black women around the world to follow our lead. Can we make #thankblackwomen go viral on the first-ever Black Women's Appreciation Day!

Let the celebration begin —

Need some inspiration? Here are a few personal thank you notes. Can't wait to read yours.


@ladykmack2 I want to thank you for holding me on your hip all those years, for loving me when I had a hard time loving myself and for keeping "Find My Friends" on to track my every move. You are the best big sister ever. #thankblackwomen #BWAD

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@girltrek team - I could not dream of a better team - with more grit and heart and cash money skills - to build a movement for the total liberation and healing of black women. Thank you for saying yes. Thank you for being brave. #thankblackwomen #bwad #girltrek


@charissecreates i love how you and your sisters at @curlygirlcollective lead. You are radical and rooted, collaborative and bold, graceful and fearless. Vanessa and I - and the entire @girltrek team - have watched #curlfest grow and we are rooting for you all. This Black Women's Appreciation Day, I want to say thank you for setting a pace of excellence in our field, for celebrating Black beauty the way do and for always being so kind. - @morgantreks #thankblackwomen #bwad #girltrek


@vanessatreks thank you for showing me how to march to the beat of my own drum. Always. For twenty years. It's like you are wearing drill team pompoms on your boots every day of life. Just high stepping across the globe. And it's so much fun to see you march. Thank you for being so brave all these years. #thankblackwomen #bwad #girltrek

Let's get it — all day today AND tomorrow! Write as many thank you notes as you can this weekend.

We will read our favorites live on-air tomorrow at 3pm PT/6pm ET on our Facebook page called GirlTrek: Healthy Black Women and Girls.


What Black Grandmothers Taught Us


Join us Live March 1 for the First Ever Black Women’s Appreciation Day!