BHBC The Crew Edition: The Royal Families of Gospel - The Clark Sisters & The Winans - Day 15

Day 15: The Royal Families of Gospel - The Clark Sisters & The Winans

You know what I’m talking about. 

You’re at a birthday party. 

You’re almost finished singing. 

And on the very last line, for effect, your sister breaks into soprano and your mama hits that tenor - for something undeniable…

Family Harmony

“Haaaappy birthday to youuuu!”

Poof. In a 3-part harmony, you are transported to childhood on a vocal carpet ride. It is the ohm in your bloodline - a vibration and evolutionary fine tuning. 

There is nothing…

And I mean nothing, more beautiful to the human ear as families singing together. 

“It was the most mysterious thing I'd ever heard... I'd think about them even at my school desk...Mavis Staples looked to be about the same age as me in her picture on the cover.”

Bob Dylan knew it. He used it. Black family spirit. He went on to be called the greatest songwriter in history. If only they gave royalties for magic. 

Which brings us to today’s show.  

The Royal Families of Gospel…

We’ll focus on The Clark Sisters and The Winans, but we will celebrate so many others with fun name games, Twitter trivia, and praise dance choreography for the streets.

Meet us in the Streets: Grab your earbuds, put on your sneakers, and join co-founders Morgan and Vanessa for Black History Bootcamp, a walking podcast powered by GirlTrek. We can’t wait to talk…

 LIVE! Weekdays, April 1 - 30, 2022

9am PT | 10am MT | 11am CT | 12pm ET

Dial: 1 (646) 876-9923 CODE: 734464325

Missed the call?

Catch up on SpotifyAppleAmazon, or Google podcasts. 

Episodes are available after 48 hours.

Crew Conversation Guide: 

The Question: 

  • What’s the future of the Black church and gospel music?

  • Who is the best singer in your family?

The Playlist: Crew Edition Playlist of the Day

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