Prayer Trek Day 6: GENTLENESS

If you missed yesterday’s prayer call on kindness, the fifth Fruit of the Spirit, listen here


There are a couple of definitions for gentleness. One is the one we know. This quality of being kind and tender and mild-mannered is a lot of people in our lives. There's a second definition that we love, which is that gentleness is a softness of action. It's a lightness. It's an effect of being inactive. As some of our mothers would say, to surrender. Sometimes you're grappling, you're muscling through, you're thinking of scenarios, you’re trying to see around the corner.

Stop muscling through and just open your arms and be still. Just be still and wait. Wait on Him. That is the gentleness of spirit that is required for strength. 

It is required for strength to go easy. It is required to be deliberate, to have a soft touch with your feet on the earth, to kiss the earth with your feet.

We cannot continue to muscle through and live. Gentleness is just such a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Fruit of the Spirit. We thank God for it. We thank God for this command not to muscle through. To surrender to our children and draw near and say that we love them. To surrender to our marriage and say we don't know. To surrender to work and ask for help. To surrender to our own ambition. Even when all the world is watching you, even when you got your uniform on, even when you're in official capacities, sometimes you just have to surrender.


Father God, we ask that we would have a heart of surrender and repentance. God, we ask that you just give us the spirit of gentleness and meekness that is a part of wisdom in making decisions in our lives. God, we ask that we would just step back and let you guide us this time instead of getting ourselves in the mess. We ask that you would just guide us and speak to our hearts, oh God. One thing about gentleness is to become teachable. We ask that even as we walk today, we become teachable through nature, God, through your Word, through song today, through coworkers, through whatever avenue that you want to teach us today, oh God. These things we ask in Jesus’ name, thank God, Amen.


Prayer Trek Day 7: GOODNESS


Prayer Trek Day 5: KINDNESS