Jumpstart: 30-Day Walking Challenge

Bump the plans. April 1st is too far away. We starting now!

This is the moment we were made for! The way forward ...a pressing on.

Can I tell you, for real? What I need most right now!? A walk ...fresh air, away from the TV, sunshine, quiet time...relief y'all.

(I'm guessing you might need that too!)

So let’s be radical. Forget the season plans.

Join me this Sunday.

Calling Black women everywhere! Lace up your sneakers, open your front door, let the fresh breeze hit your face. ...walk with GirlTrek's national team a fun, solo 30-Day Walking Challenge!

Your mission...

Can you take 20 walks in 30 days? That’s it. The magic — the prescription to get your glow back. This a jumpstart for the revolution. This is where we’ll see where the real soldiers at.

Print this 30-Day Jumpstart Challenge now and put it on your refrigerator!

Mark your calendars. This Sunday, March 15, 2020. No teams. No events. No better time.

Need inspiration? Here's our personal walking playlists for the month:

Need moral support? Every Friday, from the streets, dial in for a “walk and talk with the Co-Founders.” Our only agenda is to act a fool, talk about the week and respond to your texts, questions and jokes live on air.

Plan your 30-min walk at 9:30am ET, 10:30am MT, 11:30am CT and 12:30pm ET each Friday and dial 646-876-9923; code 734464325. Grab your earbuds and walk with us

I’m sure you know a sister who needs this now. Forward this email to one woman you love.

This is not the time to fold to fear.

If you’re brand new to the movement (welcome!), f you’ve fallen off your game or if you’ve been cheering from the sidelines, PRINT THIS CHALLENGE to start. We got you.

Regular season will resume when God says so...

Until then...less talk, more walk.

PS. Special edition golden shoelaces that say #1MILLIONby2020 for everyone who finishes!

PPS. Use one of the memes below to tag your friends! Write something like "I am starting a 30-day walking challenge this Sunday to get off the couch, away from the news and into some fresh air!! I need accountability, anyone want to walk with me? Just take 20 walks in 30 days — that's it! If you're in, comment below and print this fun checklist (http://bit.ly/30DayTrek) to stay inspired. Tagging my crew @friendA and @friendb #20in30 #girltrek"

PPS: We were made for this. No fear. Let's go.


GirlTrek’s 10-Point Plan for Self-Care during COVID.


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