“I am Wonder Woman.”


This week’s GirlTrekker spotlight celebrates L’Mekka Edwards. She’s been a Trekker since 2013 and is a Team Captain in Southwest Chicago. She’s a Lupus Warrior, Police Officer, Mother and Personal Trainer. Learn more about her story, superpowers, self-care practices and advice to Black women below. We love you, L’Mekka!

Tell us who are you in your own words

I was diagnosed with Lupus in 2008. I have two sons: Shemar, 24, and Chris, 20. I have been in law enforcement for 10 years.

I’ve had my own gym called Mekka's Gym for 5 years. I love helping people reach their goals. I'm passionate about being better each day. I love what I do. My health is chaotic because my lupus is attacking my kidneys so I have chronic kidney disease and blood clots. My goal is to get a building to have my gym in and get remarried one day. 

What is one thing you love most about GirlTrek?

What I love about GirlTrek is the Sisterhood. I was immediately embraced and found some amazing women from Chicago and different states. I'm so grateful for Vanessa and Morgan for starting this amazing organization and so proud we reached one million women. I can't wait to go to the mountains again. They have been very supportive during my frequent hospital visits. I definitely know they care.

What is your superpower? 

I am Wonder Woman. No matter how many times I get knocked down I get back up. I'm currently in the hospital as I type this. I refuse to let Lupus win. I have Lupus but Lupus don't have me

What's one thing you do for self-care?

I love to travel. I'm trying to plan to go to Hawaii soon if I can stay out of the hospital. I love to workout, walking, biking, reading and relaxing.  

What is one message you want all Black women to know?

I want Black Women to know that they are needed and loved. Look in the mirror and love you. If you don't love you who will?

My body has been through a lot, and I refuse to allow my health and sagging skin to stop me from living. Girl, book that trip! Smile at that man. Pay yourself first. Love on you, your family, and friends. Know the difference between friends and associates. Have no regrets. Just lessons learned. 


“You do not need permission to save your own life and the lives of the women you love!”


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