It’s Time To Go!

When Harriet says it’s time to go, will you be ready? 

In December of 2019 I was laying in bed with my husband of 15 years when Harriet Tubman whispered to me, it’s time to go. 

The love that I was experiencing was too conditional, too demanding, too full of rules that didn’t serve me, and it was time to go. 

I remember the time, 2AM. 

I remember the voice. It was louder than my fear, and it said with conviction, it’s time to go.  

And I did. 

At 2AM, with my nightgown on, and a jacket on top, I slipped out of that house, left that relationship, and I never returned. Where I have been going since I left hasn’t always been clear, but Morgan told me last week that Harriet didn’t know where she was going either. In fact, in an underreported fact she spent three years on the coast of New Jersey, working in a hotel while she got her plans all together.  

I share this story now, for the women who need to go.

If you have a vision for your life that you are not living now, it’s time to go. 

It may only be the attitudes and behaviors that you need to leave behind. Trust me, so many of us have been convinced that we are not deserving.

It may only be the doubt that you have to walk away from. 

Maybe it’s the job, the people - the people pleasing - the addictions, the environment, the zip code… 

Whatever it is that you need to walk away from, it’s time to interrogate your life, name it, and start to leave it behind. Then walk towards your north star.

Freedom is waiting for you up ahead, and GirlTrek has mapped out the route. 

You start here, with us on March 10th. 

Host a Harriet House Party with you and at least one other woman. Use the toolkit and the conversation starters to open up to someone about what’s going on. Use the affirmation prompts to raise your vibration so you can start attracting what’s yours. Use the visualization exercise to see clearly what it is you want. Use the commitment card and make a promise that this year you will MOVE! 

More than 4,000 women have already registered a party.

This is what we call a mass demonstration!

Those parties are the start line. The Ultimate Freedom Trek and Festival in 2024 is the finish line. In between, there will be lots of beauty and healing. 

Thank you for taking this journey with us. Morgan and I are also getting ready to host our own Harriet House Party and we will be with you each step of the way. 

Your Sisters, 

Vanessa (and Morgan) 


The Frogger Game.


You Are Invited!