“Celebrate YOU daily.”

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Habibah has been a GirlTrekker since 2013. Her name means “Beloved Believer” and her life is a testament of what it’s like to lead with love and faith. Learn more about her message of how to “celebrate your beauty, intellect, worth, accomplishments, and contributions to the world.” 

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Tell us who you are in your own words 

My father blessed me with my name, Habibah Muslimah which means Beloved Believer. It’s easy to describe myself by the roles I have but these roles do not define who I am at the core. Every role, relationship, experience, accomplishment, mishap, and action connected to me is guided by love and faith because I am a Beloved Believer.

How long have you been a GirlTrekker? 

My GirlTrek recruiter number is 169 :)  I joined GirlTrek in 2013 after seeing a Facebook ad inviting Black women to walk with Vanessa and Morgan on the National Mall in honor of Harriet Tubman and to save our own lives.

What is one thing you love most about GirlTrek? 

One thing I love about GirlTrek is that it is rooted in the concept that Black women take care of ourselves first before we can take care of others.

What is your superpower? 

My ability to build relationships by being my authentic self.

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What's one thing you do for self-care? 

Hiking is my favorite thing to do for self care. I am always at peace after a hike. My family knows I am a happy Habibah after a hike.

What is one message you want all Black women to know? 

Celebrate YOU daily. Do not wait until a special occasion or event to celebrate your beauty, intellect, worth, accomplishments, and contributions to the  world. You are more than deserving and worthy of celebration in the moment.


Spreading The Message of Self Care


“The blueprint for a real and sustainable lifestyle change.”